
More than half of young Arabs want to emigrate

  LONDON: More than half the young people in much of the Arab world would like to leave their home countries, a survey conducted by BBC Arabic has found. That number has jumped by more than 10 percent for those aged 18-29 since 2016, according to the Big BBC News Arabic Survey 2018/19, conducted with the Arab Barometer research group….

Authoritarian Nostalgia Among Iraqi Youth: Roots and Repercussions

…. Disillusion with Democracy A common refrain these days is that Iraq “needs a strong leader like Saddam.” During my time in the country, I heard these sentiments expressed by teenagers and twenty-somethings who were, at most, elementary school students during the Ba’athist era. These observations, though anecdotal, are corroborated by survey projects. Both the Arab Barometer and the Shi’a…

Islamists are losing support in Jordan

…. What student politics show Many political scientists know Jordan University because its researchers help implement the Arab Barometer surveys. However, within student politics, JU is also a microcosm of society. It can be restive, with fee protests and tribal feuding recently agitating its Amman campus. It is also enormous. Of Jordan’s 300,000 university students, nearly 15 percent study at…

Scaling-up the Inclusive Growth Agenda in the Arab Region

… 1. The Region Needs Inclusive Growth Now More Than Ever  Since our last conference in Amman in 2014, countries in the region have placed job creation and inclusive growth at the heart of their reform agendas. There has been progress – though not enough. Many are clearly struggling with “how” to scale up reform implementation, and turn these priorities…

The Road to Higher and More Inclusive Growth in the Middle East and North Africa

Despite recent gains, regional growth remains too low and the benefits are shared by too few. Average incomes are stagnant, and poverty is rising in areas of conflict. Frustration runs high over the lack of job opportunities and access to affordable, high-quality public services. The call during the 2014 Amman Conference1 to generate robust growth, create jobs, provide equal opportunities,…

Le FMI pointe du doigt la montée des “frustrations”

…“Les citoyens de la région s’inquiètent du fait que les opportunités et l’accès aux services publics ne sont pas les mêmes pour tous”, note le FMI. D’après l’enquête “Arab Barometer”, effectuée pour la période 2012-2014 dans 12 pays dont l’Algérie, 70% des citoyens estiment que “les efforts gouvernementaux pour réduire l’écart entre les riches et les pauvres sont peu, voire…

Youth, Religion and Democracy After the Arab Uprisings: Evidence from the Arab Barometer

This article compares the changes over time in attitudes of youth in Egypt and Tunisia, two countries that experienced dramatic political changes in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings. The primary comparison is the change in attitudes over time within each country; views of youths just after the respective revolutions are compared with views of a similar cohort two years…