
Surveys and Countering Violent Extremism

The intent of this practitioner guide is to better acquaint development practitioners with the use of surveys in preventing or countering violent extremism (CVE). Surveys are an excellent way to gather systematic data about violent extremism, as well as the behaviors and attitudes of the general public or important segments of the population such as victims, potential perpetrators, and even…

How Terrorism Affects Attitudes toward Democracy: Tunisia in 2015

Tunisia is the only country that emerged from the Arab Spring as a democracy. However, Tunisian democracy is threatened by political divisions, economic problems, and the threat of terrorist attacks. We shed light on Tunisia’s democratic prospects by examining (1) the degree to which major terrorist attacks in 2015 influenced Tunisian public opinion on democracy and (2) the extent to…

L’Algérie célèbre l’anniversaire de sa Révolution, entre fierté et défis

…Selon une étude réalisée par l’Arab Barometer, le point de vue des Algérien(ne)s sur les questions sociales et religieuses évoluerait en effet plutôt vers un conservatisme plus marqué. L’étude révèle en effet que pour la majorité des répondants, l’enseignement universitaire est plus important pour les garçons que pour les filles, tandis que les femmes mariées ne devraient pas travailler à…

Social Distance in Iraq and Lebanon

Research has found that tensions, conflicts, and wars worsen the views groups hold towards each other and, plausibly, increase social distance (Parks 1924; Bogardus 1925; Owen et al. 1981; Siber 1997; Parrillo and Donoghue 2005; Oswald 2005; Strabac 2016). Since the twentieth century the Middle East is caught up in interlocking pattern of crises, conflicts, wars, and terrorism. Almost every…