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Is the Middle East on the mend?

It is unlikely to last, but it is hard to remember the last time the Middle East has been as calm, relatively speaking, as it is today. Consider where we were just over a year ago. Some 3 million displaced Syrians huddled together in Idlib province, the last rebel-held territory, as the world feared the humanitarian catastrophe likely to result…

Soudan : la séparation de l’État et de la religion loin d’être gagnée

Le Soudan a mis un terme, en 2019, à trente années de dictature islamiste. Deux ans après l’éviction d’Omar el-Béchir, les lois demeurent cependant largement basées sur la charia. Deux groupes rebelles actifs dans le sud du pays, où la proportion de chrétiens, animistes et athées s’avère plus importante que dans le reste du pays, ont, par conséquent, conditionné leur…

Israel Faces Pressure to Follow U.S. Armenian Genocide Move Despite Turkey Ties

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing mounting pressure to ignore protests by Turkey and follow U.S. President Joe Biden in declaring the mass killings of Armenians and other minority groups a century ago a genocide. Biden’s historic genocide recognition made the United States the 30th country in the world to classify as such the ethnic cleansing that experts estimate…

Erdogan as Arab people’s choice reveals weakness of region’s leaders

After nearly two decades in power, first as prime minister then as president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has towered over modern Turkey. His mystique at home has been eroded by authoritarianism and a decreasing ability to provide his pious and conservative followers with prosperity. In local elections in 2019 he lost the country’s great cities, including Istanbul and Ankara, proving he is…

Erdogan is MENA’s most popular leader, Arab Barometer finds

Turkey’s promotion of cultural heritage, including through its tourism and entertainment sectors, is one reason for Erdogan’s popularity. However, the perception of the Ottoman legacy is gradually shifting from one of praise to one of condemnation toward Turkish policies. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains MENA’s most popular leader, according to new survey data released by the Arab Barometer this…

China ‘Delighted to See’ It Tops U.S. in Popularity in Arab Countries Poll

China has exulted in a recent poll showing the nation’s favorability was roughly twice that of the United States across six Arab countries. “I’m delighted to see the survey, which, I believe, reflects the considerable public support for China-Arab friendship,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said Thursday during the first press conference to be held following week-long Lunar New…