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Kroonprins Salman heeft hele veiligheidsapparaat van Saudi-Arabië stevig in handen

“Een deel van de Arabische wereld streeft naar meer religieuze vrijheid. Maar dat is nog geen politieke vrijheid. Als de opiniepeilers van Arab Barometer het bij het rechte eind hebben, is de Arabische wereld in beweging. Onderzoek leert dat de rol van religie in een goed deel van de regio afneemt. De steun voor de invoering van de islamitische wet,…

L’Algérie célèbre l’anniversaire de sa Révolution, entre fierté et défis

…Selon une étude réalisée par l’Arab Barometer, le point de vue des Algérien(ne)s sur les questions sociales et religieuses évoluerait en effet plutôt vers un conservatisme plus marqué. L’étude révèle en effet que pour la majorité des répondants, l’enseignement universitaire est plus important pour les garçons que pour les filles, tandis que les femmes mariées ne devraient pas travailler à…

The dangers of unscientific surveys in the Arab world

…Arab leaders themselves, including the region’s many autocratic rulers, have also come to better appreciate survey research. Whereas a decade ago Arab governments tended to view opinion surveys as posing needlessly provocative questions to citizens, particularly since the Arab uprisings of 2011 officials have been more inclined to permit surveys even on sensitive topics, partly to remain informed about shifting…

Time to Step Back from the War on Terror

…Several studies, as well as survey data, make it clear that Middle Eastern publics have almost uniformly negative views of American drone strikes, one of the most popular tools of the war on terror. Even worse, the Arab Barometer found that between 53% and 74% of citizens in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, and Algeria felt that U.S. intervention justified…

Democracy Derailed?

“Over the course of just one week, the Tunisian government has made three concerning moves that, taken together, signal a major backsliding in its democratic development. The first occurred on September 11 when Tunisia’s Parliament approved a government reshuffle that enabled the replacement of 13 of 28 cabinet ministers. It was an alarming move, as some of the new ministers…