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Trump is threatening to snapback Iran sanctions because his supporters are terrified of a Biden win

Faced with the prospect of a likely defeat in November, says Borzou Daragahi, the administration is desperately seeking to sabotage the remnants of the Iran nuclear deal. Many nations have doubts about the expiring United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Iran. It is set to be lifted in October as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA), the…

Coronavirus: Pandemic unites Maghreb leaders in crackdown on dissent

The challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic across the world have been manifold; health and economic crises and a climate of fear and uncertainty. In North Africa, it has also heightened a crackdown on freedom of expression. Leaders, particularly in Algeria and Morocco, have taken advantage of the new climate to silence dissent and remove voices of the opposition they…

The Mideast Pudding Loses Its Theme

“Take away this pudding! It has no theme,” Winston Churchill is said to have exclaimed when confronted with an undistinguished dessert. The Middle East today resembles one of those puddings, but Uncle Sam may not send it back. A themeless pudding is better than a poisoned one. It is hard to overstate how much the Middle East has changed in…

Arab Barometer: MENA Residents Have an Increasingly Favorable View of China

A new survey published by Arab Barometer, a Princeton University-affiliated non-partisan quantitative research institute, reveals increasingly favorable public perceptions of China in many countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. “In nine of 12 countries surveyed as part of the Arab Barometer’s fifth wave, roughly half or more favor stronger economic relations with China,” said the group’s director, Dr….

Progress and missed opportunities: Morocco enters its third decade under King Mohammed VI

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Morocco’s King Mohammed VI will celebrate 21 years on the throne in July 2020. Over the last two decades, the king has spearheaded positive civil and political reforms, as well as formidable foreign policy and infrastructural changes. Most recently, the regime took swift and effective measures to control the initial spread of the…

Arab Barometer : 49% des Marocains favorables à plus d’investissements chinois

Publiés vendredi dernier, les résultats du sondage mené par Arab Barometer, un réseau de recherche basé à l’Université de Princeton, aux EtatsUnis, sur le niveau d’influence de la Chine révèlent que de nombreux pays ont connu une augmentation spectaculaire de l’engagement chinois. « Plus récemment, la Chine a considérablement et visiblement augmenté son aide à un certain nombre de pays de la région…