Concluding the Arab Uprising Project
Presented by the Project Co-Organizers
Bassam Haddad and Amaney Jamal
Organized by: Arab Studies Institute, Princeton’s Arab Barometer, and George Mason’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Program.
About the Project
December 17, 2020 marked the tenth anniversary of the start of the Arab uprisings in Tunisia. Beginning in 2011, mass uprisings swept North Africa and the Middle East, spreading from the shores of Tunisia to Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and the Eastern Province of the Arabian Peninsula. A “second wave” of mass protests and uprisings manifested during 2019 in Sudan, Algeria, Lebanon, and Iraq. The persistence of demands for popular sovereignty even in the face of re-entrenched authoritarianism, imperial intervention, and civil strife is a critical chapter in regional and global history.
In an effort to mark, interrogate, and reflect on the Arab uprisings, we launched a yearlong set of events, reflections, and conversations. We have also compiled and categorized in a dedicated portal a variety of resources for educators, researchers, students, and journalists to understand the decade of political upheaval historically and in the lived present.
Watch the full conversation on Jadaliyya's Youtube Channel