Arab Barometer for 2018-2019: A look at Morocco

The Arab Barometer for 2018-2019 has been published, “yielding fascinating insights into how Arabs feel about a wide range of issues” including corruption, economics, extremism, gender, governance, international relations, political institutions, religion, social justice, and youth.

The Arab Barometer claims to be “the largest repository of publicly available data on the views of men and women in the MENA region,” with 50 national surveys conducted since 2006, including more than 70,000 interviews in 15 Arab countries. Approximately 2,400 individuals aged 18 and over were surveyed in each country for 2018-2019, and face-to-face interviews were conducted with a ± 3% margin of error.

The polling in Morocco points to two distinct splits along generational lines. The older generation (60 years and over) continues to maintain its trust in government institutions, while the younger one (18-29 years) shows frustration. More than half of Moroccans surveyed cite the economy, public services, and political governance as the main challenges facing the country, followed by corruption, ranked at 9% of those responding. Just over a third (36%) of Moroccans rated the economy as “good or very good,” while roughly half (53%) of those aged 60 and older agreed that it was “good or very good,” and only 27% aged 18 to 29 saying the same.


Read full article at Morocco on the move