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Arab Citizens Are Disenchanted with Politics

Arab Citizens Are Disenchanted with Politics

Across the Middle East and North Africa, citizens have become disenchanted with politics and government, according to a new report on civic engagement from the Arab Barometer, an independent research network that includes Arab universities and seeks to gauge Arab public opinion. Fifty percent of Arabs feel they have a guaranteed right to protest and two thirds believe they can…

Palestinians Reject the Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Palestinians Reject the Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead/Public Domain Are Palestinians open to the White House’s renewed push for peace? A new survey by the Arab Barometer’s strategic partner, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, finds little support for the so-called “Deal of the Century.” In fact, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians reject any role in the peace process…