America Is Losing the Arab World and China Is Reaping the Benefits

October 7, 2023, was a watershed moment not just for Israel but for the Arab world. Hamas’s horrific attack occurred just as a new order appeared to be emerging in the region. Three years earlier, four members of the Arab League—Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—had launched processes to normalize their diplomatic relations with Israel. As the…

A Conversation with Dr. Michael Robbins on Public Opinion in the Arab World

In this interview, Arab Barometer Director Dr. Michael Robbins discusses various aspects of Arab public opinion on the war in Gaza, noting the significant shifts in sentiment following the events of October 7. He discusses the favorability towards the United States across the region, contrasting this with increased support for China’s image. Dr. Robbins also examines how Russia is perceived…

Morocco: Public Opinion Report 2024

Morocco has endured multiple crises in recent years including the Coronavirus pandemic and the earthquake that hit the country on September 9, 2023. The aftermath of these crises produces what could be described as two Moroccos: one for the wealthier and better educated, another for the poorer and less educated. Moroccans are clearly divided in their views of almost all…

Arab Barometer reveal findings from major Morocco survey

For Immediate Release **Please credit Arab Barometer** Arab Barometer’s Wave VIII survey in Morocco is the most in-depth publicly available survey in the country that captures the sentiments of Moroccan citizens and their changing priorities, needs, and concerns in a rapidly evolving region. Between December 11, 2023, and January 30, 2024, the research network interviewed more than 2,400 Moroccans face-to-face,…

Kuwait’s Suspended Parliament: Where Does the Public Stand?

In a televised address on May 10, Kuwait’s Emir, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, firmly stated, “I will not let democracy be exploited to destroy the state.” This address came as he dissolved the National Assembly for the second time in three months and enacted temporary suspensions of specific constitutional provisions for up to four years. Subsequently, the Emir sanctioned…

A Conversation with Aseel Alayli on Gender Attitudes in Tunisia

In the third episode of “Ana Huna,” Associate Faria Nasruddin speaks with Aseel Alayli, Director of Brand, Marketing, and Global Communications at Arab Barometer. They discuss the latest polling data on female labor force participation in Tunisia from Arab Barometer, which shows contradicting attitudes toward gender equality. While there are positive attitudes toward gender equality in Tunisia at large, Alayli…

How the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza Is Changing Arab Views

Support Is Falling for America and the Two-State Solution—but Rising for Iran and Violent Resistance Since October 7, the latest onslaught between Hamas and Israel has claimed the lives of more than 15,000 Palestinians and over 1,200 Israelis. Scores more have been injured. The war has displaced more than 1.8 million Palestinians and left the fates of many of Israel’s…

The largest repository of publicly available data on citizens' views in MENA.
