Arab Barometer Report on Non-Formal Education in the MENA Region

The University of Michigan, in combination with Northwestern University and the Salam Institute for Peace and Justice, are currently working on a research project for USAID on youth non-formal education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. As part of this project, the consortium added a battery of survey questions concerning Nonformal Education to the annual Arab Barometer public opinion survey. The purpose of the addition of the NFE questions was to understand the degree to which non-formal education is being used in countries across MENA, gauge populations’ views on nonformal education and the importance of promoting critical thinking and emotional intelligence in a curriculum, identify perceived barriers to NFE as well as understand its perceived benefits This research produced nine reports on NFE, which constitute the primary data sources for an overview chapter on NFE in the MENA region…

Policy Report